23. Homeschooling, Educational Reform, Freedoms, and Money (4/95)

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Whereas homeschoolers have regained significant freedom of thought and belief by working to establish and maintain their independence as private schools; and

Whereas many of the educational reform initiatives authorize the state to have a greater role in public education and, through choice initiatives, certain private schools; and

Whereas many of these reforms such as Goals 2000, Outcome-Based Education programs, performance-based assessment, school choice and voucher programs, charter schools, and distance learning programs are state programs and involve state goals and assessments and begin at very early ages; and

Whereas the state goals and assessments apply to a student’s intellectual, social, physical, and moral development; and

Whereas the state is initiating more collaboration, including exchange of confidential information, among many government agencies including social services, schools, juvenile justice, public health agencies, police, district attorneys, and university extension services; and

Whereas certain school reform initiatives designed to “break the mold” of public or conventional schools nevertheless carry with them the state’s goals, assessments, and collaboration; and

Whereas some of these new programs might in the future involve educational services that would come directly to the home through a voucher or distance learning program in conjunction with a charter school; and

Whereas there may be a desire and temptation on the part of some homeschoolers to view direct educational services to the home as “homeschools” and such programs may be called “homeschools” by others; and

Whereas such programs would inevitably be accompanied by the state’s goals and testing programs and perhaps also computer and television and other electronic surveillance and accountability intrusions into the home;

Be it resolved by members of the Wisconsin Parents Association (WPA) that WPA and its members oppose any such program that would require the surrender of educational freedom or place homeschools under the authority of the state in exchange for educational services or money, and, instead WPA supports measures that would strengthen families by decreasing their tax burdens and thus leaving them money to use for private education or by returning money directly to the family, thus allowing the family true choice in how moneys are spent for education. 4/95

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