14. Education Vouchers (4/92)

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Whereas education vouchers being proposed at the federal and state levels of government would allow the government to define education and impose its values, judgments, and often its testing on people; and

Whereas such education vouchers would not be available to the family but only to the institutions that the family selects and which the state certifies as eligible to receive voucher moneys from the state; and

Whereas such education vouchers can easily lead to state control of education similar to a state religion and further control of families; and

Whereas there are better and more direct ways for the state and federal governments to assist families in funding private education, including home schooling, such as reducing taxes to families, increasing tax deductions for dependents, and providing tax credits;

Be it resolved by the Wisconsin Parents Association (WPA) that WPA and its members oppose education vouchers that would require the surrender of educational freedom, and, instead, WPA supports measures that would strengthen families by decreasing their tax burdens and thus leaving them money to use for private education or by returning money directly to the family, thus allowing the family true choice in how moneys are spent for education. 4/92

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